Asphalt Seal Coating: Why Choose for your Project

Asphalt-Seal-CoatingAsphalt has quickly become a popular material choice for pavers across Maryland. Whether a new driveway is being created or an old parking lot is being repaved, asphalt has become the go-to material for contractors and pavers. This is because the material is easier to handle and more cost effective then the typically used concrete. When an asphalt seal coating is used after the asphalt has been laid, you are helping to protect and prolong your surface even more.

Asphalt seal coating may seem like an unnecessary step because asphalt already has a long lifespan, but nothing is indestructible. There are several things that can harm asphalt, which can leave it weak and vulnerable to damage. Asphalt is held together by a combination of glue, sand, and rock. While this combination is strong, it can break down after long exposure to UV rays from the sun. Asphalt can also become soft after it has absorbed oils and salts.

In order to prevent your asphalt from becoming damaged by the elements, choose an asphalt seal coating. This additional barrier works to protect your asphalt from the UV rays and prevents spills and other materials from being absorbed. This also means that your asphalt will look brand new for longer and will last longer than it would without the coating. This means less time and money spent on replacing your asphalt and more time using your parking lot or driveway.

Asphalt Seal Coating and Testa Asphalt Inc.

If you have any questions surrounding asphalt seal coating, or are in the need of the service, turn to the experts of Testa Asphalt Inc. Our professional contractors will be able to answer any of your questions and can explain the process to you so you can get started on your new project. Testa Asphalt Inc. offers the following for asphalt seal coating:

  • Asphalt Base/Hardener
  • Coal Tar Emulsion
  • Asphalt Emulsion
  • Crack Filling

If you are in the need of pavement or asphalt services, Testa Paving Inc. is here to help! For over 35 years, Testa Paving Inc. has been a driving force within the industry and has been serving the areas of Maryland and northern Virginia.

Interested in one of the services offered by Testa Paving Inc.? Call us today at 301-663-5861 or visit our contact page.

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