Winter is coming and most of us are dreading it. While it’s always nice to cozy up with a warm mug of tea or some delicious eggnog to get in the festive spirit, the winter can be hard on your home, property, and parking lot. However, there are some steps you can take to winterize your parking lot and get it ready to take on the harsh winter weather and make sure your repair costs are at a minimum.
Clean Your Parking Lot
Make use of a blower or sweeper to clear any dirt, debris, leaves, and trash from the asphalt. Make sure any chemical spills are cleaned up as soon as possible, to avoid further damage to the surface. This prevents chemicals from cracking your parking lot over time. Debris can also be ground into your pavement by cars and other vehicles, causing damage over time.
Perform Repairs
It is essential for your parking lot to be whole before winter sets in. Fix any cracks or potholes before winter snow can melt into them and cause further and more expensive issues. It is also far more difficult to fix these problems in freezing temperatures.
Does Your Parking Lot Require Sealcoating?
Sealcoating helps to keep any parking lot smooth, usable, and protected from wear and tear. If you’re parking lot has been sealcoated before, you may not be in the clear. Depending on how much traffic your parking lot gets, it will need to be regularly seal coated at 1-3 year intervals. Take a good look at your pavement. If it is looking run down, make sure you have it redone before winter storms strike. Make sure your parking lot is smooth, shiny, water resistant, and ready to take on the winter.
Pay Attention To Drainage
If you have areas of standing water or constant pooling in or around your driveway, don’t look the other way. These are serious problems that need to be addressed before freezing temperatures set in. These mean your drainage systems are not working properly, which can negatively affect not only your parking lot but your whole property potentially.
Testa Paving Can Help You Get Your Parking Lot Ready For Winter
Testa Paving is ready to help you repair, replace, or initially install pavement and pavement cracks around your home. For over 35 years, we have provided northern Virginia and Maryland with top-notch expertise and customer service. Interested in learning how we can help with your patio project? Give us a call at (301) 663-5861 or visit us online. To see examples of our work and keep in touch, follow us on Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter today!