Regular asphalt maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of your asphalt surface, whether that’s a parking lot or a driveway. However, beyond regular maintenance, there are a few irregular things to know about asphalt maintenance that might help your asphalt surface last a little better and a little longer over time. For a full list of tips about the whole asphalt process, check out our helpful information page, but we wanted to point out a couple really cool and important maintenance tips to give some more detail about.
Be Wary of Over-Sealing
We know, we know, we’ve been telling you how important sealcoating is, and now we’re telling you to use less? Here’s the thing: regular sealcoating, about once every 3-4 years, is great for safeguarding your asphalt and promoting longevity. However, as with all good things, there’s such a thing as too much, particularly when using latex emulsion sealer. Asphalt is an oil-based product, while latex emulsion sealer is water-based. Sealcoating too often with conflicting products will actually cause cracks and problem areas, rather than prevent them. This happens due to different rates of expansion and contraction during seasonal climate change, which we’re about to go through!
It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts
Most new asphalt will look nearly identical top, but it’s what’s underneath that can make the difference between money well spent and money wasted. The first step to solid asphalt installation is a thick and well-compacted subbase. This is like the foundation upon which your asphalt surface will be lain. The base should be 4-8 inches of solidly compacted granular fill, depending on how well the soil beneath and around it is able to drain. Your Testa contractor will be armed with the knowledge to properly assess any existing bases or account for various factors when building new ones.
For a longer (but less detailed) list of asphalt tips and tricks, check out that helpful information page we mentioned above. If you have any questions, always feel free to give us a call or shoot us an email!
Get In Touch With Testa Paving Today
If you are in the need of concrete or asphalt services, Testa Paving Inc. is here to help! For over 35 years, Testa Paving Inc. has been a driving force within the industry and has been serving the areas of Maryland and northern Virginia.
Interested in one of the services offered by Testa Paving Inc.? Call us today at 301-663-5861 or visit our contact page.
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